Criminal Record Expungement
Oregon law allows for most Class C felonies and all misdemeanors (other than DUII and traffic crimes) to be expunged from a person’s record if they successfully complete their probation and have no subsequent contact with law enforcement.
If a person is convicted of one charge, and successfully completes their probation or post-prison supervision, they can move to have their record expunged after three years from the date of conviction.
If a person is convicted of two charges, they must wait ten years from the date of conviction.
If a person is convicted of three or more charges, they are not eligible to have their record expunged.
Expungement is an important process. If a person expunges their criminal history, including their arrest for the charge, they can then raise their right hand in Court and swear and affirm that they have never been arrested for or convicted of that crime. They can also legally state on job applications, loan applications, etc., that they are not a convicted felon.